Very good advice, especially in the midst of an economic downturn, an election that's turned pretty grim, and with the weather starting to turn nasty.
Halloween couldn't come at a better time!
I work at a small software company that really goes all out for Halloween. All 60 or so employees dressed up, many included skits and pranks and other shenanigans. It was a great opportunity to remind each other of Rule #6, and to remember that we really to like each other no matter how focused and crazy we've been lately.
This is me as the fun-loving Senator Sarah Palin extolling the virtues of gun ownership over barbecue at the company Halloween party. The button on my lapel says "Cuter than Joe Biden." :-)
(My costume is in no way intended to reflect my political views. In fact my friends would be surprised that I would be caught dead dressed as a Republican.)
Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween, and best wishes as we get into the crazy holiday season. And here's to Rule #6! We could all use a little more compliance.
Wow This is all I can think to say after visualizing the amount of fun you might had at office.
It was a great time. And, yes, there is a God after all! :-)
So Ms. Ange - how's the news about the U.S. elections being taken in Singapore?
That's really too bad that things have gotten so divisive. (I blame talk radio!) I do have to say that my husband, who is also the smartest person I know, is a Republican.
Leads to some very interesting conversations at our house!
The main thing is being able to keep talking and realizing that despite our differences of opinion we all want what's best. We just have different ideas of how to go about it.
Sarah Palin is a Governor, not a Senator.
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