Monday, November 10, 2008

The Misplaced Arrogance of Some Foreigners

My friend Ange "the cactus" has pointed out one HUGE reason to do research before undertaking any international business travel or projects with multicultural teams. Sometimes misinformation can lead to some HUGE misunderstandings.

I cannot stress the danger of making assumptions enough!

Sometimes, friends should be frank. Ange can always be counted on for that!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the mention, Paula!

Indeed, frankness is in danger of going the way of the dodo. Given today's unhealthy Politically-Correct climate. Which makes people oh-so-sensitive for all the wrong reasons.

Oh, in case you are wondering, the person that I was indirectly referring to on that specific post? It [gender not revealed for obvious reasons] replied to my comment on the platform [again, not identified for obvious reasons]incoherently and totally off-tangent. There were more to it actually which I did not blog about.

So much for fluency in the English language.

Signed, the cactus :D