Granted, they may have been twittering about the speech itself, but what could POSSIBLY be so important that they couldn't twitter about it an hour later when they're not sitting in front of the guy who's speaking? Multi-tasking is good, but whatever happened to polite, active listening? Whatever happened to etiquette?
She suggested I write about business etiquette and ethics topics that are new. She would like some information to hand out to new employees that covers things the Emily Post wouldn't have thought of.
Here are some of our initial ideas:
- Tweeting (texting, IMing, etc.) in meetings!
- Texting or cell phoning while driving!
- Things not to discuss in Facebook
- Getting people's permission before posting photos that could be embarrassing in Facebook or MySpace (or videos on YouTube!)
- Topics that should be discussed in person (you shouldn't break up with someone or fire them by text!)
- When you should send a handwritten note rather than a text or tweet.