Friday, January 9, 2009

Are Business and Ethics mutually exclusive?

I was struck by a contradiction today. I believe, like Ayn Rand, that businesses that provide goods or services serve mankind. But after being run through a few phone trees, web sites and customer service mazes, I'm having a cynical day.

This image, from an ING commercial, says that "everyone has a number." And in some cases, as the actors in the image make apparent, we sometimes see and judge one another "by the numbers."

So, are business and ethics mutually exclusive concepts?

Corporation: A business corporation is a for-profit, limited liability entity that has a separate legal personality from its members. A corporation is owned by multiple shareholders and is overseen by a board of directors, which hires the business's managerial staff. - Wikipedia


There begins impertinence: make a person a label, or a sum of money, and he becomes not an end in himself, but an instrument; and to treat anyone as such is, as Kant argued, not just the supreme discourtesy but the supreme wrong. - A.C. Grayling

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