Friday, July 25, 2008

To "Go Native" Or Not

The article "Why You Need a Good Tailor in Karachi - How to Pack Light, Dress Well, and Make Friends When You Travel Internationally" has brought up a very good question.

Is more patriotic to dress like an American when you're abroad?

My thoughts-

If your objective is to be observed (if you're giving a lecture, attending an "official" function, representing your company or your country or whatever,) then, by all means, you should "dress like an American." John often a business suit with cowboy boots. He doesn't quite go so far as to break out the Stetson hat, mostly because it's a it large to travel with. :-)

If your objective is to observe, (as a tourist, a family friend, a businessperson there to meet with peers or negotiate a deal as an equal, etc.) then you should "do what the Romans do" and wear clothes that fit with local styles and customs as much as possible.

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