Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mastermind Groups

If you've read Napoleon Hill's classic "Think and Grow Rich" or any of the more modern books that refer to it, you've probably heard about Mastermind Groups.

I highly recommend finding a group of like-minded individuals in your area that can meet in person (this is one of those situations where "virtual" just isn't the same.) Each person gets some amount of time to present his objective, and a request for assistance from the group. This might be brainstorming solutions to a problem, resources for a project, or whatever.

The most important thing (and the most difficult thing) is finding people that you can trust and getting together regularly. Members can be from the same industry or different ones, we've found that the more different in background and philosophy the better. If you don't know anyone in your area, you might start by looking at Enter your zip code and the term "Mastermind Group" and you may come up with something.

The interaction gives everyone a good mental workout, and I'm constantly amazed by the synergistic solutions to problems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You bet! It really works out when you share your fear and ignorance on a particular subject with people who are new to you. The suggestions and advice that flow are really constructive as they are not biased and perhaps from the most experienced in that subject.

Moreover, it helps us to improve our social circle- something that is very much lacking in today's mechanical world.